Participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentation.
The deadline for abstract submission is February 1st, 2022.
Please prepare your abstract following the template (click abstract template to download) and send it by e-mail as an attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indicating your preference for oral or poster presentation. Please rename this template as “name_type of preferred presentation.doc” (name = presenting author name, type of presentation = oral or poster, e.g. author_oral.doc).
Following the tradition of the previous Journées, each registered author can present more than one communication, but only one presentation can be oral. Submissions not accepted for oral presentation will be considered for acceptance as posters.
Authors will be informed of acceptance or rejection of the contribution as oral or poster presentation by February 14, 2022. Final acceptance of the contribution will be confirmed provided that the conference fee is paid at least for one of the authors.
Guidelines for submitting an abstract for oral or poster presentation
You are asked to follow these guidelines when submitting an abstract for oral or poster presentation using the template provided above.
The abstract should be a Microsoft Word file with 2 pages long (maximum) in the A4 standard format, portrait layout, top margin 2.7 cm, left, right and bottom margins 2.5 cm.
Please use single line spacing and Times New Roman font.
The title font size is 14 points, bold, centered and two lines maximum. After the title leave a blank line, 12 points size.
The authors list is 12 points font size, centered and the presenting author underlined. Leave a blank line, 12 points font size, separating the authors from the affiliations.
Affiliations list is 11 point font size, italic and centered. A full postal address (including, if available, the e-mail) should be given at least for the presenting author.
A blank line, 12 points font size, separates the affiliations list from the main text. The main text is written in 12 points font size, one-column format.
The text should describe in a clear and concise way the work to be presented. The use of figures, tables and schemes is encouraged to help the understanding of the work. References are indicated in the text by Arabic numbers between square brackets [1] and should be listed at the end of the text using standard Science Citation Index format. Captions and references, if necessary, are written in 10 points, font size.